1:00 PM13:00

Adapting Your Postures in Class

We all have our own irregularities and limitations, as well as injuries. Yoga postures have their classical form, but often times we cannot access the full benefit if we are struggling to attain this form. We may even be creating or reinforcing existing injuries or limitations.

We will look at each person's unique structure in small groups and explore ways to modify the posture for better results and safer practice, with the following postures:

Cobra (Bhujangasana), Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana), Downward Dog and Upward Dog, Standing Lunge (Virabradrasana), Standing Lateral (Uttitha Trikonasana), One more that you vote on if we have time

We will finish with a short practice including all these postures and incorporating your adaptations.

Location and Enrollment: Ocean Yoga, 90C Eureka Square, Pacifica, CA

Price: $45 members/$50 nonmembers if enrolled by March 9, $5 more thereafter

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1:00 PM13:00

Strong Bones Workshop

You're invited to a special yoga workshop designed to improve bone density and reduce fracture risk. Studies show that specific yoga postures can help build bone strength, and we’ll be practicing these, incorporating weights in some poses.
You'll also learn key activities to support bone health. Please bring 2, 3, or 5 lb weights. If you have chronic back or shoulder pain, contact Dawn beforehand. A video of the practice will be available for your home use afterwards.

Where: Ocean Yoga, 90 Eureka Square, Pacifica

Cost: $40 members / $50 nonmembers if enrolled by 1/12, $50/$60 thereafter.

For more information: or (650) 355- 9642

To Enroll

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1:00 PM13:00

Strong Bones Workshop

You're invited to a special yoga workshop designed to improve bone density and reduce fracture risk. Studies show that specific yoga postures can help build bone strength, and we’ll be practicing these, incorporating weights in some poses.
You'll also learn key activities to support bone health. Please bring 2, 3, or 5 lb weights. If you have chronic back or shoulder pain, contact Dawn beforehand. A video of the practice will be available for your home use afterwards.

Where: Ocean Yoga, 90 Eureka Square, Pacifica

Cost: $40 members / $45 nonmembers if enrolled by 11/3, $50/$55 thereafter.

For more information: or (650) 355- 9642

To Enroll

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1:00 PM13:00

Hips and Knees Workship

The condition of our hips affects how we sit, stand and walk. We can directly improve the integration of our hips and legs through yoga. These postures also affect the condition of the low back and sacrum. Furthermore, these practice increase circulation to vital pelvic organs for elimination and reproduction (colon, prostate and uterus).

The alignment and flexibility of the hips also affects the tracking of the knees. The right practice will mobilize the hips and will also strengthen and stabilize the muscles which support the knees.

In this workshop, you will learn about your own hip mobility and asymmetries. We will explore hip-opening postures and do knee-stabilizing practices and develop tools to practice smarter and safer.

Ocean Yoga, 90C Eureka Square, Pacifica

Price: $45 members/$55 non-members OR

Early enrollment discount if enrolled by August 3: $45 members/$55 non-members

ENROLLMENT OPEN SOON, so save the date

Click here TO ENROLL

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1:00 PM13:00

Low Back Care Workshop

“Oh my aching back!” A large number of back problems are in the area of the low back and/or sacrum. This is especially true these days since we spend so much time sitting – at the office, in front of the TV, driving, and on the computer. This part of the spine is the foundation for the whole torso, and affects the spine all the way up to the crown. Like a house without a solid foundation which is subject to stress in a multitude of ways, the body cracks and strains without a strong and stable foundation.

Instead of surgery or repeat visits to a chiropractor, learn how to take care of your own lower back in this workshop. You will discover how to work your yoga to address your unique lumbar/pelvic curve so that you stretch, strengthen and stabilize your foundation.

The workshop includes lecture/discussion, observation and two practices.

ONLINE and IN-PERSON at Ocean Yoga, Pacifica

$35 members/$45 non-members, if you register by May 12

$45/$55 thereafter (24-hour cancellation required for full refund)


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1:00 PM13:00

Shoulders and Upper Back Workshop

Our shoulders are rounded forward or tight creating tension in the neck Our upper backs seem to be 'locked and loaded' these days! They are locked up because of so much sitting, driving, bad posture, computer use, television viewing. They are loaded with the burdens of responsibility, keyboard use, repetitive motions, and general stress.

We can learn to mobilize the shoulders and ‘drop’ them, and we can use them to mobilize the ribs and upper back.

The upper back is more difficult to move than the lower back or neck due to the ribs. This workshop will explore how to mobilize the thoracic vertebrae and activate the muscles of the upper back. We can use the shoulder blades to facilitate this and also to mobilize the shoulders and arms from the core instead of stressing the arms, wrists and hands.

Developing core thoracic strength and mobility is the key to suppleness and ease in the neck, upper back and shoulders.

This is a hybrid workshop – both online and in person.

Ocean Yoga, Eureka Square, Pacifica, CA

Sunday, March 10, 1-3pm PT (NOTE TIME CHANGE to Daylight Savings this Sunday.)

$35 members/$45 non-members if registered by March 2.

$45 members/$55 non-members after March 2


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1:00 PM13:00

Knees Need... Good Yoga

Most people with knee issues can benefit from more understanding of the causes and learn to target their yoga to strengthen the supporting muscles.  You can increase stability and maintain essential mobility with this understanding and application of the correct techniques.

We will explore fundamental stretches and strengthening postures for the knees in this workshop and receive a short written practice to do at home to continue this work.

Keep on walking and doing all the things you love to do by cultivating happy knees.


770 Dolores Street, San Francisco

This is a in-person AND online workshop via Zoom, so you will receive the link after you register.

$40 / $35 if registered by April 30, 2023

Click here to register

Yoga teachers may receive 2 Yoga Alliance CE credits

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to Jun 26


If you have been sitting a lot at your desk, computer, table, and on your couch — this workshop is to get you and your body back to movement and life!

We will do gentle practices focusing on Low Back stretching and strengthening, plus Neck and Shoulders releasing in the first two sessions. The third session will be a review and integration of the preceding classes.

You will have access to a short practice to do in between sessions to continue to evolve your body, and all of you, with the wisdom of yoga.

In-person (yes, in the same room with other humans!)

Ocean Yoga, 90C Eureka Square, Pacifica

A three-session series from Noon-1:15pm on three Sundays: June 5, 12, and 26th, 2022

Price for Series: $100 Drop-in for one session: $40

REGISTRATION: Click here or phone Ocean Yoga (650) 355-YOGA

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1:00 PM13:00

HEALTHY LUNGS / CLEAR MIND - Online workshop

We are summoned to be more caring and present with our breath from this respiratory virus and the other stresses of this unique time. Yoga has special tools to develop our respiratory capacity which we will explore in this workshop. Combined with asana (yoga postures) and inward attention, yoga breathing practices (pranayama) are uniquely suited to refine our physiology as well as focus the mind.

You will learn more about your respiratory system from information as well as through yoga practice. This workshop will combine breath and movement in asana to prepare for seated pranayama in several short practices which explore all aspects of the breath.

You can use the breath to energize or to relax your system, so we will learn a short practice for each purpose which includes five postures to prepare for a five-minute pranayama practice. 

And, take the challenge…of doing a ten-minute practice daily for two weeks until we reconvene for an hour to hear of your experiences and reinforce the practices.  

You will receive written copies of two short practices and access to recordings of the practices to continue your exploration.

This includes a one hour follow-up session to repeat the practices and see how it’s working for you.

$40 / $35 if registered by December 26, 2020


FREE follow-up practice on Saturday, January 23, 2021 from 1pm-2pm

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4:15 PM16:15

Park Workout / Sunset Walk

Saturday November 7, 2020


We will do some standing stretches, balance and aerobics in a spacious Pacifica Park, then walk to view the sunset over the Pacific.  We will use walking sticks or a yardstick for some stretches and to be mindful of social distancing in the workout and walk. You can drop-in, no registration required.

WEAR:  Loose clothes in layers for warmth, walking shoes and your mask

BRING: A walking stick, yard stick, or a broom handle!

DONATIONS: $5-$20 suggested amount Pay in cash or on Paypal using email

To be divided equally to support the City of Pacifica, Pacifica Resource Center and the instructor

LOCATION: Sunset Ridge Elementary School, 340 Inverness Drive (at Hickey Blvd.), Pacifica, CA  94044 Meet in the parking lot and we’ll walk to an open space with a view.

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1:00 PM13:00

Relax Your Shoulders - Online Workshop

Do you feel like you are carrying the whole world on your shoulders? Many of us carry tension here from computer work, driving, sitting and repetitive movements of work or life. We will explore the shoulders and upper back in practice and learn ways to address this tension with yoga.

Instead of surgery or repeat visits to a chiropractor, learn how to take care of your own shoulders and upper back in this workshop. You will discover how to work your yoga to address your unique structure so that you stretch, strengthen align and relax your shoulders. You will receive a short practice to do at home for ongoing maintenance.

The workshop includes lecture/discussion, observation and two practices.

Registration: Integral Yoga Institute, San Francisco

$40/$35 early registration discount

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PLAYSHOP - The Power of Ritual
5:00 PM17:00

PLAYSHOP - The Power of Ritual


Rituals create a moment ‘out of the norm’ to tune in to a deeper life.  Rituals engage our wonderful senses and special objects in small, powerful, fun gestures.

Spontaneous rituals are emerging in many communities as we try to connect from staying home:

  • Meeting in the Neighborhood in the morning to say the “Pledge of Allegiance”

  • Applauding or cheering the medical workers as they change shifts from windows and balconies

  • Playing a song on the bagpipes from the roof all to hear

  • Everyone howling out their windows at 8pm

Rituals create a moment ‘out of the norm’ to tune in to a deeper life.  Rituals engage our wonderful senses and special objects in small, powerful, fun gestures.

We will learn more about rituals, discuss ideas, and take a few minutes in your home to assemble some of your favorite things to use for your personal or family rituals.

Especially now, when everything is disrupted, we can soothe, settle and sweeten our days with simple rituals Dawn can help you to craft.

By donation (any amount is fine) 
Send money or pay by credit card on Paypal
or mail a check payable to 'Dawn Summers' to:
PO Box 1174, Pacifica, CA  94044 

If you are sending a check, be sure to email me so I can send you the Zoom link.

You will receive your Zoom link after Paypal notifies me or I receive your intention by email ( 

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1:00 PM13:00

Strong Bones/Osteoporosis Workshop

If you have increased fracture risk due to bone loss, you can use yoga as part of your integrated program to prevent falls and fractures. A ten-year study of 741 participants doing a specific series of yoga postures resulted in increased bone density.

We will practice this series, plus learn about other important activities to build bone density in this workshop, which includes lecture/discussion, and observation.

Integral Yoga Institute, 770 Dolores Street, San Francisco

$40/$35 if pre-registered by December 18


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1:00 PM13:00

Hips and Legs Workshop

The pelvis and legs provide our foundation for the rest of the body and are the generator for walking. If the hips are misaligned, too tight or unstable it can result in problems of the legs, knees, ankles and feet. We will learn about how to stretch and open the hips for greater mobility. As well, it is important to have a degree of foundational stability in the hips and pelvis, so we will learn about how to stabilize the parts that should remain strong and stable to protect the sacrum and knees.

You will receive a short practice to do at home to cultivate and maintain healthy hips and legs.

The workshop includes lecture/discussion, observation and two practices.

$35 members/$45 non-members

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