Adapting Your Postures in Class
We all have our own irregularities and limitations, as well as injuries. Yoga postures have their classical form, but often times we cannot access the full benefit if we are struggling to attain this form. We may even be creating or reinforcing existing injuries or limitations.
We will look at each person's unique structure in small groups and explore ways to modify the posture for better results and safer practice, with the following postures:
Cobra (Bhujangasana), Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana), Downward Dog and Upward Dog, Standing Lunge (Virabradrasana), Standing Lateral (Uttitha Trikonasana), One more that you vote on if we have time
We will finish with a short practice including all these postures and incorporating your adaptations.
Location and Enrollment: Ocean Yoga, 90C Eureka Square, Pacifica, CA
Price: $45 members/$50 nonmembers if enrolled by March 9, $5 more thereafter