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Strong Bones Workshop

You're invited to a special yoga workshop designed to improve bone density and reduce fracture risk. Studies show that specific yoga postures can help build bone strength, and we’ll be practicing these, incorporating weights in some poses.
You'll also learn key activities to support bone health. Please bring 2, 3, or 5 lb weights. If you have chronic back or shoulder pain, contact Dawn beforehand. A video of the practice will be available for your home use afterwards.

Where: Ocean Yoga, 90 Eureka Square, Pacifica

Cost: $40 members / $50 nonmembers if enrolled by 1/12, $50/$60 thereafter.

For more information: or (650) 355- 9642

To Enroll

Earlier Event: November 10
Strong Bones Workshop
Later Event: March 23
Adapting Your Postures in Class